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Read the news articles below to learn more about what our students are up to in the world of undergraduate research, fellowships, and scholars programs! This is a great way to learn more about the types of research and fellowships students are participating in.

Investigating the Biological Foundations of Sleep

Hayle Kim (’25) researched the genetic regulation of early-life sleep under the mentorship of Dr. Jeffrey Rosa and Dr. Matthew Kayser in the Department of Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine. Hayle conducted this research with the support of the University Scholars program and recently presented her work at the Advances in Sleep and Circadian Sciences Conference in Clearwater, FL. She was awarded the Goldwater Scholarship in 2024.

Finding France at the Beinecke Library

Nishanth Bhargava (‘27) researched the 1968 student movement in France at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University under the mentorship of Dr. Siarhei Biareishyk (Department of Russian and East European Studies). He conducted this research with support from the University Scholars program.

Decoding Dark Energy: Exploring the Expanding Universe

Emma Yao ('27) researched dark energy and supernovae at the Department of Physics & Astronomy under the mentorship of Dr. Mathew Madhavacheril and PhD Candidate Jason (Jaemyoung) Lee. She completed this research with support from the University Scholars program.

University Scholar Shares Research at the Society for Neuroscience

Austin Pothikamjorn (’25) recently attended the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting with support from the University Scholars program and the 2024 Trainee Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience.

Penn alumnus named 2024 Samvid Scholar

Arnav Lal (C'23) has been chosen for the fourth cohort of Samvid Scholars. Lal was selected from a pool of over 1000 applicants for his academic and leadership achievements and demonstrated drive to make positive changes in society.