Fellowships are funding opportunities for promising Penn students and alumni to engage in study, research, service, or education, either domestically or abroad. This can include activities such as:
- Graduate Study (these fellowships usually pay tuition, fees, and a living stipend)
- Undergraduate Tuition
- Independent Research
- Project Implementation
- Foreign Language Study
- Teaching English Abroad
- Unique Work/Service Opportunities
There is no cap on the number of fellowships that you may apply to.
Major Fellowships
Most but not all major fellowships require endorsement by the University of Pennsylvania. Review the individual fellowship pages on this website as well as the websites maintained by each fellowship foundation to determine deadlines and materials needed to apply. Major fellowships typically require that applicants:
- identify clear intellectual and professional goals
- articulate their goals through personal statements and short essays
- be able to provide strong recommendations from faculty and other mentors
- demonstrate evidence of service to others
- show promise of making a valuable contribution to society
Special Note to Rhodes and Marshall Scholarship Applicants:
Applicants considering the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships must submit Penn's Spring Consultations form (opening on March 18th, 2025) to CURF, listing the fellowships and degree programs to which they intend to apply. While this request is only a preliminary indication of your school and degree preferences, applicants are encouraged to submit this form to apply for university endorsement as soon as possible during the year they plan to apply for university endorsement (i.e., Candidates should start planning more than a year before they wish to begin their graduate program in the UK).