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Did you miss a virtual event? We post all recorded events on the relevant Canvas sites--join any or all of CURF's Canvas sites for Undergraduate ResearchGeneral Fellowship Resources, or the Fulbright Award.

03:30 pm - 04:30 pm
3539 Locust Walk (CURF Building), Room 102

Behind the CV: Stories from Faculty is an event series about becoming and being a researcher and scholar. Faculty share their stories with a focus on the unspoken challenges of a life in academia. This session will feature Prof. Thomas Mallouk, Vagelos Professor in Energy Research and Professor Chemistry and Chemistry Department Chair.

02:30 pm - 04:30 pm
Houston Hall: Hall of Flags

The fair is intended to provide a “one-stop shop” for undergraduate students interested in learning more about summer opportunities provided through Penn entities including internships, research experiences, or funding to support expenses associated with low-paid or unpaid opportunities (such as housing, food, travel, etc.). This event is co-sponsored by Career Services office and CURF.

03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
3539 Locust Walk (CURF Building), Room 102

The Summer Humanities Internship Program (SHIP) is a 10-week funded program in which students intern in arts, cultural, or historic organizations throughout Philadelphia. SHIP is open to students in the College in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd years. At this info session, you can learn more about the different host sites for 2025, the varied opportunities you might have as a SHIP intern, and tips for producing a strong application.

Info Session
01:30 pm - 02:30 pm
3539 Locust Walk, First Floor

Attend this in-person information session to learn about the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program (PURM) and ask any questions you have about the program and application process!

08:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Bodek Lounge (Houston Hall)

Thinking about summer research opportunities? Have questions about summer research applications? Curious about getting started in research (at any time of year)? Questions about mentorship and/or funding? Whether you were formally matched with an RPA (Research Peer Advisor) or not, no matter your major or year, come chat with the CURF RPAs at the winter Mixer! Drop in anytime between 8 and 10 PM. Snacks will be provided.