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Did you miss a virtual event? We post all recorded events on the relevant Canvas sites--join any or all of CURF's Canvas sites for Undergraduate ResearchGeneral Fellowship Resources, or the Fulbright Award.

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm
Wu & Chen Auditorium

Join the CURF RPAs for a series of data science workshops to learn essential coding skills for modeling, data analysis, and visualization. Whether you’re new to programming or looking to refine your skills, these workshops will introduce key tools in scientific research. No prior experience is required - attend all sessions or choose the ones most relevant to your research area of interest!

In this workshop, the RPAs will discuss MATLAB -- a programming environment widely used in computational biology and engineering for modeling biophysical systems and developing simulations.

07:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Ben Franklin Room (Houston Hall)

Are you staying in Philadelphia for summer break and need to find housing for your internship or research experience? Come to the Summer Housing Info Session! CURF RPAs will guide you through the different options for summer housing and teach you some tips and tricks to find a place that's right for you. 

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm
Wu & Chen Auditorium

Join the CURF RPAs for a series of data science workshops to learn essential coding skills for modeling, data analysis, and visualization. Whether you’re new to programming or looking to refine your skills, these workshops will introduce key tools in scientific research. No prior experience is required - attend all sessions or choose the ones most relevant to your research area of interest!

03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Golkin Room, Houston Hall (2nd Floor)

Behind the CV: Stories from Faculty is an event series about becoming and being a researcher and scholar. Faculty share their stories with a focus on the unspoken challenges of a life in academia. This session will feature Prof. Justin Khoury, Professor of Physics, whose research areas include cosmology and high energy theory.

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm
Wu & Chen Auditorium

Join the CURF RPAs for a series of data science workshops to learn essential coding skills for modeling, data analysis, and visualization. Whether you’re new to programming or looking to refine your skills, these workshops will introduce key tools in scientific research. No prior experience is required - attend all sessions or choose the ones most relevant to your research area of interest!