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Deadline: 10/15/2024

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)

The National Science Foundation offers approximately 2,500 graduate fellowships each year, including additional awards for women in engineering and computer and information science. Fellowships provide three years of support for graduate study leading to research-based master’s or doctoral degrees at US universities in science, mathematics and engineering, and a few other quantitative research fields supported by the NSF and are intended for students in the early stages of their graduate study.

Potential applicants should:

Deadline: Varies by field – October 15, 2024 (Deadline VARIES BY FIELD) see this page for deadlines by field. Detailed NSF program info in HTML or PDF format here)

Questions about eligibility for the NSF-GRFP? See pages 2-3 of or contact NSF at

Penn’s Application Process

  • Applicants should seek assistance on their Proposed Plan of Research essay from their PI, research mentors, and faculty in their proposed field at Penn or their proposed graduate institution
  • While the NSF-GRFP does not require Penn’s nomination, CURF will be happy to provide advice, guidance, and application assistance, particularly through draft review of NSF-GRFP Personal, Reverent Background and Future Goals statements
  • NSF-GRFP Personal, Reverent Background and Future Goals statement draft review requests should accompanied by your Proposed Plan of Research essay (though CURF's feedback will focus on the NSF-GRFP Personal, Reverent Background and Future Goals statement)

Contact Information

Contact your research mentor for advice on how to craft an application for a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. CURF can assist by providing stylistic feedback on essay drafts and other application-specific advice to Penn undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni.
Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships 
3539 Locust Walk, 3rd Floor 
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Questions regarding applying for the NSF-GRFP? Contact NSF directly at





Graduate Study


Senior, Alumni, Graduate Student