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April 9, 2019
CURF News & Announcements, CURF News, Benjamin Franklin Scholars, Prizes
Brendan Taliaferro of Host Homes for LGBTQ Youth in Philadelphia

Brendan Taliaferro's project is titled "Host Homes for LGBTQ Youth in Philadelphia." Taliaferro’s project will address a dire need for safe and stable emergency housing for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia by creating a host homes program. A host homes program is an innovative, evidence-based housing model that places youth in the homes of vetted and caring adult volunteers and connects them with intensive support services. Working in partnership with Philadelphia's Office of Homeless Services, the Attic Youth Center, Point Source Youth, and Turning Points for Children (a foster care nonprofit), Taliaferro’s project will place Philadelphia among a handful of major U.S. cities piloting the host homes model. Taliaferro is being mentored by Amy Hillier, associate professor in the School of Social Policy and Practice.

For more information Taliaferro's project and the other President's Prize winners, please visit:

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