DAAD German Academic Exchange Service
Funds one full year of study in any subject for a master’s degree or an independent research project at an institution in Germany. German language proficiency expected for social science and humanities degrees or projects, but not for STEM or arts fields.
Penn Deadline: October 7, 2024
Penn’s Application Process
The DAAD Scholarship accepts applications from institutions – students and alumni may not apply independently. There are two steps to the process of application: one, to submit the application to the SAS Graduate Division, and two, to submit the application to the DAAD portal.
- Application to SAS Graduate Division - DUE OCTOBER 7, 2024: Applications consist of the application form, supplementary materials (if relevant), CV/resume, study proposal, 1 letter of recommendation, evidence of contact with German institution, German language form, and transcripts. Please submit your application and have all faculty letters of recommendation sent to grad-dean@sas.upenn.edu in a SINGLE PDF titled "Last Name, DAAD".
- Application to DAAD - DUE OCTOBER 31, 2024: All application materials should be submitted to the DAAD Online Portal https://portal.daad.de/irj/portal.
Application is complete only when DAAD has received the applicant’s complete electronic application and letters of reference via the online portal by Oct 31, 2024.
Contact Information
Graduate Division (grad-dean@sas.upenn.edu)
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 322A
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
International (Not UK), Europe
Graduate Study
Senior, Alumni, Graduate Student