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The ERCs have developed many innovative programs to leverage the strong aspects of ERC research and education not only into the engineering schools, but also out into the wider educational environment. An excellent example is the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, which most ERCs offer. The purpose of the NSF-funded REU program is to involve talented undergraduates in active research projects, usually during the summer, working alongside ERC researchers and students. REU students may come from the ERC's host university or another institution.

ERC REUs are divided into several overarching topics, including: Microelectronics, Sensing, and Information Technology; Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure; Advanced Manufacturing; and Biotechnology and Health Care.

To learn about REU programs at individual ERCs, please visit:

Preferred Qualifications

Eligibility and requirements will vary.


Research Offering Type

Independent Research, Internship, Research Assistant



Undergraduate School

College, Engineering, LPS, Nursing, Wharton



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