General Information
Grants for Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research will be awarded to members of the standing faculty to offset expenses incurred as they support undergraduates doing research. These grants will provide funds for Penn undergraduate student stipends or for any other expenditure necessary to facilitate the faculty members continued support of undergraduate research. Faculty members may apply for up to $8,000 to offset research associated expenses incurred by an undergraduate student.
Applications will be evaluated by a faculty committee and will be awarded based primarily on the planned undergraduate research mentorship activities. Priority will be given to standing faculty members who have not previously received funding via this mechanism.
Application Components:
- Proposal (2-page limit): Undergraduate research project title, summary of current or future projects involving students. Include statement of research importance, background, questions/hypotheses/problems, and methodology. Please highlight the specific involvement of undergraduate(s) in the proposed research plan.
- Undergraduate Mentorship Plan (2-page limit):
- Detail specific ways in which undergraduates will be actively mentored, with special attention given to the learning outcomes associated with the student experience.
- Outside of the research/scholarly/creative activities, define the value added of any planned didactic components of the program.
- Include your research pedagogical practices, history of former advising/mentorship roles, and plans for continued undergraduate involvement in the proposed project. Funding priority will be given to applications emphasizing direct faculty involvement and continuous student support as opposed to quantity of advising roles.
- If known: Include name of undergraduate(s), expected grad year, major, Penn ID. Note that participating students must be full-time, regularly enrolled, first-, second-, or third-year undergraduates in good standing at the University of Pennsylvania at the time of application. Fourth-year students are ineligible even if sub-matriculating or planning to be on campus post-graduation. Students must be full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduates in good standing to receive funding.
- Budget (1 page limit): Detail undergraduate stipends, supplies, travel expenses or equipment costs essential to support the undergraduate research. We require students to be paid a stipend in line with the other programs available through CURF, with a suggestion of ~ $15.00/hour. If the students will not be paid from this mechanism, please indicate from where they will receive support. Faculty, post-doc, and graduate salaries/tuition are not allowable expenses.
Expectations for Grant Recipients
Investigators awarded funds for research expenses will be asked to submit a final report within one month of project completion. All involved undergraduates will present a poster at a designated CURF event and submit a summary suitable for posting on CURF’s website. The summary should describe the project’s goals and content, what the student learned through the research experience and how participating in this research project contributed to the educational experience.
Research Offering Type
Undergraduate School
College, Engineering, LPS, Nursing, Wharton
Contact Information
Dr. Ann Vernon-Grey, Director for Undergraduate Research
Email Dr. Vernon-Grey
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Vernon-Grey