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Deadline: 03/23/2026 (Tentative)

General Information

The Rose Foundation generously funds the Rose Undergraduate Research Award recognizing outstanding undergraduate research projects completed by graduating seniors under the supervision of a Penn faculty member.


Completed applications and letters from advisors must be submitted by 11:59pm on the due date. Late applications will not be considered. Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee designated by CURF. All applicants will be notified of selection results by early May. Awards will be announced before Commencement and publicized in the appropriate campus media.

Eligibility Guidelines

Only Spring graduates are eligible.

The Rose Fund is administered by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, and awards are determined each April on a competitive basis. Seniors (fourth-year students) graduating in the Spring semester from any undergraduate school are eligible. Applicants must be in good standing in the University of Pennsylvania community. Ten student research projects will be recognized each year with individual awards of $1000.

Student projects will evaluated by a faculty committee designated by CURF on the basis of the project’s quality, originality, independence, and contribution to the field. Projects need not have been funded by undergraduate research grants in order to qualify for the Rose Award.

Application Details

While various departmental deadlines may be significantly earlier or later than that for the Rose Award, this date is required to ensure submissions may be reviewed and decisions can be made prior to the end of the academic year.  Exceptions will not be made.

To be considered for the Rose Award, students should:

1) Prepare an abstract in a word processing program, without any formatting. The abstract should not exceed 500 words and should contain the following information:

  • Project Description intelligible to an educated non-specialist
  • Description of Methodology
  • Key Findings
  • Conclusions and Implications
  • List any grants received to support this project

2) Create a .pdf of your completed project (ie your entire written thesis)

3) Obtain an unofficial (not secured) electronic copy of your Penn transcript.  Please do not contact the registrar's office or pay for an official transcript.  You can go to Path@Penn and print your transcript to .pdf from there.

Go to the Common Research Award form with your prepared documents, fill out all appropriate fields, and upload your files.

Faculty Nomination Letter

Research projects submitted for recognition must be supported by a letter from the Penn faculty member who supervised the research project. Projects may be in any discipline or may have an interdisciplinary scope. Applications from academic departments and individual faculty members are encouraged. Students may self-nominate, but applications will not be considered complete until all materials (including the Faculty Nomination Letter) are received. Students should submit the Project Abstract, the completed Project, and a digital copy of their Penn transcript through CURF’s Common Research Award form. The Faculty Nomination Letter from the faculty member who supervised the project should be requested through the same process.

In the letter, the faculty advisor should address four criteria:

  • the significance of the project within the discipline(s)
  • the project’s originality or creativity
  • the independence of the research project (particularly if the student’s project is part of a larger faculty research effort)
  • Please make clear the nature and extent of the student’s contribution in formulating and carrying out the project

This letter should be sent via the recommendation form interface no later than 11:59pm on the grant application deadline.

Funding Type


Research Offering Type

Senior Thesis Award

Undergraduate School

College, Engineering, Nursing, Wharton



Contact Information

Dr. Kerry Milch, Associate Director for Undergraduate Research
Email Dr. Milch
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Milch

Dr. Ann Vernon-Grey, Senior Associate Director for Undergraduate Research
Email Dr. Vernon-Grey
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Vernon-Grey