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Deadline: 10/07/2024
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Scoville Peace Fellowship

The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship funds college graduates to spend six to nine months working on key issues of peace and security in Washington, DC.  Recruited for either a spring or fall fellowship, Fellows serve as full-time project assistants at the participating organization of their choice.  Fellows also attend policy talks, Congressional hearings, coalition meetings, and small group events with experts in government and NGOs arranged by the fellowship. The fellowship provides a salary, benefits, travel expenses to DC for interviews and moving, in addition to a small stipend for attending conferences, policy courses, and foreign language classes.  

Application deadline for the fall 2024 fellowship is closed.

Application deadline for Spring 2025 fellowship is October 7, 2024. 

Penn’s Application Process:  While the Scoville Peace Fellowship does not require Penn’s nomination, CURF will be happy to provide advice, guidance, and application assistance to you.  

Contact Information

Dr. Angie Estévez
Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships 
3539 Locust Walk, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
You may schedule an appointment with Dr. Estévez







Senior, Alumni, Graduate Student