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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) RISE Program

Deadline: 11/30/2025 (Tentative)

RISE (Research Internship in Science and Engineering) Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British, and Irish universities with the opportunity to conduct summer research at a top German university or research institution.

Association of Alumnae Rosemary D. Mazzatenta Scholars Award

Deadline: 03/17/2025

The Association of Alumnae of the University of Pennsylvania has established the Association of Alumnae Rosemary D. Mazzatenta Scholars Award in the School of Arts and Sciences to recognize and support female undergraduates for academic achievement and demonstrated service to country, community, and family during the summer after their sophomore or junior year in the College.

Terry B. Heled Travel & Research Grant

The winner of the Terry B. Heled Travel & Research Grant will receive $2,000 toward the costs of travel for research that will lead to a significant writing project. The travel and research will be conducted during the summer (between mid-May and the end of August). Candidates who propose a trip of longer rather than shorter duration will be given priority, and candidates who propose to travel beyond North America will also get priority, but any travel plan—to any place, of any length—will receive serious consideration based on the quality of the project.

Pincus-Magaziner Family Undergraduate Research Fund

Deadline: 03/17/2025

2nd or 3rd year students majoring in Art History, English, Literature, Biology, Mathematics, or Neuroscience are eligible to apply for research and travel support from Pincus-Magaziner funding each Fall and Spring semester through the College Alumni Society Research Grant program.

Penn Undergraduate Sustainability Action Grant

Deadline: 03/17/2025

Penn’s Climate Action Plan aims to keep Penn at the forefront of addressing global climate change by supporting undergraduate research in any academic field related to sustainability. Projects that lead to environmentally sustainable programs and policies, contribute to scientific innovations related to sustainability, or deepen our understanding of the social, cultural, artistic, and humanistic aspects of sustainability are encouraged, provided the research is conducted under the direction of a Penn faculty member. Projects in other related fields that support the goals outlined in Penn’s Climate Action Plan are also welcome.

Class of 1971 Robert J. Holtz Fund

Deadline: 03/17/2025

The Holtz Fund provides funds for students pursuing an independent scholarly project during the academic year or summer, where funds can be used for costs of materials and supplies, toward travel costs, or for costs of the project.

Boren Undergraduate Scholarship (Tentative Deadline)

Deadline: 12/10/2025 (Tentative)

Under the auspices of the National Security Education Program, the Boren Scholarship supports undergraduate study abroad focusing on geographical areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to US national security.  These US government grants entail a service obligation.

Boren Graduate Fellowship

Deadline: 01/22/2026 (Tentative)

Boren Fellowships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide funding for US graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests.  Boren Fellowships provide funding for overseas language study, academic study, research, an academic internship, or a combination of the above.

Pershing Square Graduate Scholarship (must apply to Master's program by December 2024 or January 2025 deadline) (Program deadlines vary)

Deadline: 01/06/2026 (Tentative)

Funds up to five scholars to combine a one-year Master's degree with a one-year MBA at Oxford University.

Ertegun Scholarship (Program deadlines vary)

Deadline: 01/05/2026 (Tentative)

Fully funds 1, 2, or 3 years of degree study in the Humanities or selected courses in Global and Area Studies at Oxford University.

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