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Open to US citizens and non US citizens
Deadline: 06/15/2025 (Tentative)

General Information

The Fund for Latino Scholarship through the American Political Science Association (APSA) is designed to encourage and support the recruitment, retention, and promotion of political scientists students and scholars who study and research Latina/o politics (especially students and tenure track junior faculty). Grants will be made to individuals, institutions, and projects whose purposes most clearly match the goals of the Fund, and whose proposals most persuasively demonstrate capacity for successful completion.

The fund will award grants to initiatives that:

  1. provide professional opportunities and financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students and Scholars who study and research on political science topics related to Latina/o politics;
  2. support the teaching, research and publishing activities of contingent, junior-level, tenure track, and other political science faculty whose main area of academic focus is Latina/o politics; and
  3. support research projects on Latino/a politics.

Eligibility Guidelines

Grants may be awarded to any programs and/or individuals involved in the successful recruitment of promising undergraduate and graduate students and scholars who study and research Latina/o politics into the discipline of political science or, alternatively, grants may be given directly to individual students (at both undergraduate and graduate levels) who are participating in discipline-related programs and activities. Political science faculty - whose main area of academic focus is Latina/o politics - in contingent, junior level, tenure-track, and other positions are also eligible to apply for and receive Latino Fund grants to be used for teaching, research, or publishing activities. All individuals conducting research on Latino politics are also eligible to apply.

Application Details

To apply, create an APSA profile and submit an online application. All application materials must be submitted through the online application system to be reviewed by the selection committee. The fund's priority will be travel assistance to young scholars and institutional proposals for student recruitment and retention. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and scholars who are studying Latina/o politics are eligible for support. Travel grants and most research grants will be for $500. Under exceptional circumstances, a grant of up to $1,000 may be awarded. Applicants often utilize this grant to travel to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. They will also consider travel assistance for other purposes, including:

  • Field research
  • Attendance at a different scholarly conference; or
  • Participation in a program of the APSA Centennial Center for Political Science and Public Affairs

Institutional proposals to enhance the recruitment and retention of political science students and scholars who study and research Latina/o politics must include certification that the host institution, department, or program will provide direct financial support at least equal to the maximum $1000 grant from the fund. Previous successful experience with similar projects would be advantageous but is not required; we encourage institutional applicants to be innovative. Each grantee must submit a two-page application form, available online, summarizing current research activities which are relevant to the grant.

Funding Type


Research Offering Type

Independent Research, Grant



Undergraduate School


