Sam Jung
Sam studies the impact of social media algorithms on our trust in institutions (like the government). He is currently a research assistant for Dr. Metaxa at the Penn Human Computer Interaction Lab. He has a secondary research interest in computer science and the law, and is currently working with the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to study this area. His independent work as a University Scholar examines the impact of education on the development of policy on emerging technologies. Beyond research, Sam works with college students to engage them with their local government on tech policy issues through the Paragon Fellowship, and serves as the operations director of the Penn SFORZA music group. In his free time, Sam likes to host dinner parties, hiking, photography, poker, and learning history---Ancient Egypt & Old English are among his favorite topics.
- University Scholar
- Research Assistant to Professor Metaxa Department of Computer and Information Science
- SNF Paideia Fellow
- PMG Group Lead