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My research interests are in the intersection of Design and Biology. I am fascinated by how we can use design to improve or solve different biological problems. I am also curious about how different patterns in nature help shape the world of design, whether based on function or aesthetics. I have worked under Dr. Laia Mogas-Soldevila at DumoLabs Research since my sophomore year at Penn. This past summer I conducted research on Mycelium and its functionality. We have tested our creative approaches in the realm of Mycelium-Based Composites by using 3D printing. I am currently still working on this project and exploring more of Mycelium’s acoustic protective qualities. Outside of academics, I am involved in a business and cultural club called SEAC, where I help in member engagement and professional development.

  • Mayor's Scholar
  • Research Assistant to Dr. Laia Mogas-Soldevila at DumoLabs Research
  • College mentor for SEA 2 Uni that helps high school students through the college application process
  • PMG Group Lead
Academic Major(s): Biology
Myrna Ho