Madison Dengel
My research interest lies in the neurological bases and development of anxiety disorders. Specifically, I am interested in the use of brain imaging, psychophysiology, and genetics to understand how pathological anxiety disorders operate in the brain. I have worked under Dr. Ayelet Ruscio in the Boundaries of Anxiety and Depression Lab since my freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania, assisting in various projects aimed at analyzing the differences, commonalities, and relationship between anxiety and depression. With the support of University Scholars, I am currently collaborating on a project designing a program to clean data from the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for the DSM-5 (ADIS-5). Outside of my research, I am involved with the Netter Center, I volunteer with Penn’s Project for Philosophy for the Young, and I do technical work for Bloomers Comedy.
- University Scholar
- Research Assistant to Dr. Ayelet Ruscio, Department of Psychology
- PMG Group Lead