Brian Lee
I’ve had the incredible opportunity to study Alzheimer’s Disease from an imaging genetics perspective under Prof. Li Shen at the Perelman School of Medicine since last September. My work has enabled me to become familiar with processing omics data, including genomic (WGS), proteomics (gene expression), and metabolomics data. I am thankful that research has pushed me to explore the core biological principles I learned about in class and interact with researchers from a variety of academic backgrounds.
If you’re a transfer trying to find a lab, are considering computational research, or need tips for WFH, please don’t hesitate to email!
- Shen Lab, Institute for Biomedical Informatics, Perelman School of Medicine (September 2019 – Present)
- The College Alumni Society Board of Managers and Presidents Undergraduate Research Grants (Spring and Summer 2020)
- Rodin College House Research Fellow (Spring 2020 – present)
- Presented posters at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020 and the CURF Fall 2020 Research Expo
Affinity Groups: Transfer