Christine Wu
Research interests:
Initially coming into Penn as a pre-medical student, my career trajectory transformed when I entered Dr. Janis Burkhardt’s Lab freshman year. The Burkhardt Lab broadly focuses on how actin cytoskeleton dynamics shape T cell migration. My project specifically investigates the intracellular signaling dynamics that regulate T cell exit from the secondary lymph nodes into circulation. Throughout my time in the Burkhardt Lab, I have learned how to write research grants, plan and perform in-vivo experiments, and present my own research, to name a few. After graduation, I intend to further my research career in immunology.
If you have any questions about how to identify your research interests, reach out to potential PIs, or anything regarding research or getting acclimated to Penn, please reach out! I would also love to chat about any other topics of interest outside of science, such as AAPI-related issues, language learning, music, or photography. :)
Research positions:
- Undergraduate Researcher at the Burkhardt Lab (2018-present)
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (May 2019-August 2019)
- American Heart Association Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowship (2019)
- College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant (Fall 2019)
Affinity groups: AAPI, work-study