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Mentor Areas

The Turner Research Group investigates problems at the nexus of mechanics, materials, and manufacturing. We aim to understand the underlying mechanics and materials behavior in a range of problems and exploit this understanding to advance the capability of existing technologies and develop novel processes, materials, and devices. Our group has expertise in micro/nano-systems, adhesion and fracture, experimental and computational mechanics, design and optimization, and advanced manufacturing. 


Current research in the group is organized in three thrusts: (1) materials with programmable mechanical properties, (2) fracture and adhesion of structured and heterogeneous materials, and (3) printed and flexible sensors. Ongoing projects include surfaces with tunable adhesion and friction, electroadhesives for stiffness control in robotics, architected and network materials with high damage tolerance, distortion and residual stress control in additive manufacturing, and cellulose-based biodegradable sensors.

Learn more about our research on the lab website and by reviewing our recent publications. Please contact Prof. Turner to discuss specific opportunities.

Preferred Qualifications

Pursuing an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, materials science, or related field.


Preferred Student Year

First-year, Second-Year, Junior, Senior

Academic Term

Fall, Spring, Summer

I prefer to have students start during the above term(s).



Yes indicates that faculty are open to volunteers.



Yes indicates that faculty are open to paying students they engage in their research, regardless of their work-study eligibility.

Work Study


Yes indicates that faculty are open to hiring work-study-eligible students.


Professor and John Henry Towne Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics