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Hi, My name is Suraj Neelamagam (CAS '26) and I'm majoring in neuroscience. Before coming into Penn, I felt overwhelmed with the idea of research because I'd never done it before. I didn't know how to approach the mind-boggling number of opportunities present, and so it felt to me that there was no clear path to take. However, by working with a mentor and reaching out to professors to inquire about their research, I was able to find a lab that I was interested in and seemed like a great fit! 

I have been at Dr. Heath Schmidt's lab in Neuropsychopharmacology since January of 2023. My primary research interest within the lab has been understanding the role of Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) in reward mechanisms that are responsible for cocaine cravings during abstinence. I have also been focusing on the central amygdala (CeA) in regards to this GLP-1 signaling circuit. 

My goal as a CURF RPA is to help make the transition to research at Penn as seamless as possible, both for those who haven't done research and those who have. Feel free to reach out whenever!

  • Undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Heath Schmidt's lab in Neuropsychopharmacology; investigating the role of GLP-1-dependent reward mechanisms underlying chronic cocaine use 
  • Poster presented at Fall 2023 CURF Expo 
  • CURF College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant Fall 2023, Spring 2024
Academic Major(s): Neuroscience
Student Headshot