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Hey everyone! My name is Syraj, and I am a Neuroscience major in the class of 2025. I have had numerous amazing opportunities to research both in my high school career and during my current college course. Outside of research, I am involved in Penn Pre-Medical Association, Penn Rotaract, and Volunteering at the Veterans Affairs. I was fortunate enough to have found resources through CURF that enable me to take action and find the steps to obtaining research. But I realize that it is a difficult or time consuming process. So please feel free to reach out to me, if you have any questions or concerns, I am here to help. 

  • Student Research, Betley Lab, Lynch Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania
  • Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program (PURM)
  • Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine, Biomedical Internship
  • Rowan School of Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Internship
Academic Major(s): Neuroscience
Syraj Uddin