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Open to US citizens only
Deadline: 08/01/2025 (Tentative)
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NOTE:  The Mitchell Scholarship is currently on hiatus and will NOT be accepting applications during 2024-2025.

The information on this page is for information purposes in case the Mitchell Scholarship resumes accepting applications during 2025-2026.

Students and alumni interested in graduate study in Ireland should explore the Fulbright Award, which offers fully-funded graduate degrees in at select universities in Northern Ireland or in the Republic of Ireland.

(NOTE: Current undergraduates MUST obtain Penn nomination for the Mitchell. Applicants who will hold a bachelor's degree by September 2025 DO NOT need to seek Penn nomination for the Mitchell, but Penn encourages applicants to follow the standard Penn process to obtain assistance from CURF)

Penn students requiring Penn nomination to commence graduate study in Ireland in Fall 2025 must complete Penn's Internal Mitchell Application no later than August 1, 2025, at 4:00pm Eastern US Time

Mitchell Scholarship

The Mitchell Scholarship funds one year of graduate study at institutions of higher learning in Ireland or Northern Ireland, providing tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses and travel. 

In addition to demonstrating wide-ranging academic excellence and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.70, most successful candidates have demonstrated initiative and commitment to larger issues such as service, research, and engagement in efforts to serve humanity both on and beyond their campus.  Additionally, candidates should have a clearly articulated reason for studying in Ireland or Northern Ireland and a solid understanding of the research they will conduct in a specific graduate program.

205 applicants who wish to commence graduate study in Fall 2024 should enroll in the CURF Fellowship Resources canvas site, complete Penn's Spring Consultations form, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Wallace Genser. Applicants are encourage to complete these steps as soon as possible, ideally no later than April 7, 2025 (Potential applicants MAY express initial interest AFTER April 7, but we strongly recommend applicants inform CURF of their potential interest as soon as possible). See additional details on CURF's General Fellowships canvas site.

Penn Application Deadline: August 1, 2025, 4:00pm

Penn’s Application Process

The Mitchell Scholarship accepts nominations from institutions – undergraduate students may not apply independently. To apply for Penn’s endorsement, you must complete the following steps by Penn’s Internal Deadline of August 1, 2025, 4:00pm.  Alumni and graduate students do not require Penn’s endorsement, but are strongly encouraged to participate in the process outlined below.

  • Candidates should indicate their intent to apply for endorsement for the Mitchell Scholarship (as well as the Rhodes Scholarship and/or Marshall Scholarship, if relevant) as soon as possible by completing the Penn's Spring Consultations form.  Candidates will then be assigned a Fellowship Advisor who will help the candidate clarify goals, values, and purposes, assist with application details, and draft the letter of endorsement on behalf of the University.  Candidates requesting endorsement after June 1 must contact Dr. Wallace Genser at to request consideration for University of Pennsylvania endorsement.   
  • As soon as you have arranged for letters of recommendation for the Mitchell Scholarship, begin the CURF Mitchell Application process, where you will be able to request a letter from each recommender.  If you are also applying for the Rhodes and/or Marshall, separate requests must be submitted for each award.  DO NOT request letters of recommendation through the Mitchell application system. Letters of recommendations must be submitted to CURF via the internal application process no later than 4:00pm on August 1, 2025.
  • Complete Penn’s Internal Mitchell Application process, including the upload of your personal essay, a categorized list of awards or activities, your unofficial transcript from Penn InTouch, a high quality digital photograph of yourself (one that would be appropriate for a passport), and any other post-secondary transcripts.  If you do not receive an email confirming your submission within 4 hours, please IMMEDIATELY email to make sure CURF has received your submission. Submission is due by 4:00pm on August 1, 2025.
  • Following Penn’s internal deadline, candidate materials are reviewed by the University of Pennsylvania’s Faculty Review Committee, which is comprised of Penn faculty who have been awarded prestigious scholarships and are actively engaged in promoting Penn’s academic mission.  The Committee will select candidates to interview for consideration for Penn endorsement.
  • Candidates selected for endorsement for the Mitchell Scholarship will receive further instructions. 

Contact Information
Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships 
3539 Locust Walk, 3rd Floor 
Philadelphia, PA 19104



International (Not UK), Europe


Graduate Study


Junior, Senior, Alumni, Graduate Student