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Caroline Jones

Research Assistant(s) for Primate Video Data Collection

Dr. Jones is looking for 1-2 reliable, collaborative, and organized students to assist with a project examining gorilla tool use. Students will learn to identify individual gorillas housed (or previously housed) at Zoo Atlanta, and use behavioral coding software (Noldus Observer) and will collect data from video footage of gorillas using tools for a few hours a week. In addition, students will attend regular meetings with Dr. Jones, and may be asked to read related articles, and complete related tasks/assignments.

Caroline Jones

Social Science, Physical and Natural Sciences, Humanities

Philadelphia Zoo Primate Research Assistant(s)

Dr. Caroline Jones is accepting applications for undergraduate research assistants to collect primate behavioral data at the Philadelphia Zoo. Students will learn to use ZooMonitor software to record behaviors of four different primate species: western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), white-faced sakis (Pithecia pithecia), mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz), and white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar).

Caroline Jones

Humanities, Physical and Natural Sciences, Social Science