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Read the news articles below to learn more about what our students are up to in the world of undergraduate research, fellowships, and scholars programs! This is a great way to learn more about the types of research and fellowships students are participating in.

Penn Green Campus Partnership POWER DOWN Challenge

When the clock strikes midnight on February 24th, join the entire Penn community and participate in in the campus-wide Energy Reduction Challenge. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to reduce their energy usage over a 24-hour period, from 12:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M. on Wednesday, February 24th. Turn off your lights, unplug your appliances, turn down the heat and put on a sweater! Let’s see how much energy we can save, together. Savings from the Energy Reduction Challenge will go towards funding additional undergraduate Climate Action Research Grants! These grants are designed to support projects that lead to environmentally sustainable programs and policies, contribute to scientific innovations related to sustainability, or deepen our understanding of the social, cultural, artistic, and humanistic aspects of sustainability.

Four Penn Students join inaugural Schwarzman Scholars class

CURF is proud to announce that two Penn students and two alumni are joining the inaugural class of Schwarzman Scholars.

Phillip Cohen (MED) and Carla Winter (EAS 2016) win Mitchell Scholarships

A University of Pennsylvania medical student working in pediatric oncology and a senior whose research focuses on finding a cure for paralysis are two of 12 Americans selected to receive 2017 George J. Mitchell Scholarships for graduate studies in Ireland or Northern Ireland.