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Learn how to create an effective poster. We will discuss poster DOs and DON’Ts, using examples of actual posters, and will also give some tips and tricks for Powerpoint.  

05:00 pm - 06:00 pm
Ben Franklin Room (Houston Hall)

Are you curious about life as a graduate student? Want to learn about the path to graduate school? CURF welcomes students of all disciplines who are curious about graduate school to attend the Graduate Student Panel, happening on Thursday, February 13th from 5-6 PM in the Benjamin Franklin Room in Houston Hall. Join the CURF RPAs in getting to know three excellent graduate students from a variety of disciplines and asking them questions about navigating their graduate studies. Snacks will be provided!

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
3539 Locust Walk, Room 202

Have questions about your PURM application? Drop in to chat with CURF Research Peer Advisors about your application! 

06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
3539 Locust Walk, First Floor

If you've ever thought, "If fellowships are so competitive, why should I even apply?", then this is the event for you! Join CURF’s Director for Nationally Competitive Fellowships and students who have been through the process to learn about some incredible fellowship opportunities and the benefits of applying for them, regardless of the outcome. Students of all years and disciplines are welcome.

04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
3539 Locust Walk, Room 202

The CURF Spring Grant deadline on March 17 is fast approaching.

Partner Event
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
3539 Locust Walk, First Floor

Join us in conjunction with the Science Outreach Initiative for an interactive workshop that will provide the foundational skills to create engaging activities/presentations for non-science audiences. The workshop covers the steps to creating an outreach event as well as time to practice describing your research to a non-scientist. 

Register here.