Student Requirements
In order to graduate as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar, students in all four schools must:
Graduate with a minimum cumulative Penn GPA of 3.40.
Complete at least three (3) credit units (CUs) of BFS seminars for a letter grade (i.e., not Pass/Fail). Most BFS seminars are full CU courses. This will typically mean three BFS seminars. But we also offer a handful of half credit (.5 CU) BFS seminars. These will contribute only .5 CU to the BFS total. So, for example, a student who takes two seminars, each for a full CU, and another for .5 CU, will be required to take at least another .5 CU BFS seminar to complete the requirement. There is no upper limit on the number of BFS credits a person may enroll in. The current record among alums is 15 BFS seminars by graduation!
In the spring semester prior to graduating in the spring, summer, or fall, all prospective BFS graduates present to their BFS peers a Ben Talk on their most intriguing research findings.
Each student must also meet all requirements of the student’s home school, as well as additional BFS requirements specific to BFS within that school:
In order to graduate as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar, students in the College must also complete the ISP sequence of courses.
In order to graduate as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar, students in the School of Nursing must also submit an E-Portfolio.
The e-portfolio displays highlights of students’ academic and clinical work along with their community service across all four years of their time in BFS. BFS-N director Professor Sarah Kagan is available to discuss the portfolio and the program as a whole.
Students in the School of Engineering do not have any additional requirements but must graduate with a minimum cumulative Penn GPA of 3.40, complete 3 BFS seminars, and submit a BEN Talk.
Ben Talk of Ben Prize Winner, Anthony Hu 24’
Ben Talks
The Ben Talk is a 6- to 8-minute video that begins with the question: "What has been your most intriguing research discovery at Penn?" Your Ben Talk, based on work from a course or Penn-sponsored research, will explain that finding and its importance to a non-specialist.
Examples of Penn-sponsored research work (eligible):
- Paper that was part of Penn coursework (could be a BFS seminar but doesn’t have to be)
- Senior Thesis
- Research work with Penn faculty/staff (paid or unpaid)
- Research work with non-Penn researchers that was funded through a grant from Penn
- Paper that was part of coursework you did at another university that was part of study abroad
- Work on a summer internship sponsored by Penn (Global Internship Program, e.g.)
Examples of non-Penn-sponsored research work (ineligible):
- Work on a summer internship that was not sponsored by Penn
- Independent research that does not fall into the eligible categories listed above
The BFS Faculty Council reviews Ben Talks and determines whether or not they satisfy the requirements: a) explain your chosen research finding and b) tell why it is important. Ben Talks that fulfill the requirements and are submitted by March 21 will be considered for the Ben Talks Prize.
Submitted Ben Talks are uploaded to the BFS Canvas course site.
Two talks will be awarded the Ben Talks Prize, which will be announced and awarded at the end of the school year.
Ben Talks Timeline:
- Fall semester
- Begin reflecting on a subject and identifying resources that you will need.
- View other successful Ben Talks on the BFS Canvas course site.
- Do you have questions? Would you like to check in about the requirements? Speak with BFS Faculty Director Dr. Kimberly Bowes.
- Take advantage of Penn resources that will help you:
- Penn Libraries “Quick Start Guide"
- Communication Within the Curriculum
- Consider doing additional presentations of your research! -- see CURF’s “Share Your Work” page
- Begin reflecting on a subject and identifying resources that you will need.
- November: Prepare
- Visit the BFS Canvas course site to learn how to submit your talk.
- Contact Adri Macrina if you will graduate this spring, summer, or fall but cannot access the Canvas site.
- Start working on your Ben Talk
- Visit the BFS Canvas course site to learn how to submit your talk.
- February 3rd – Register your Ben Talk topic to get OPTIONAL pre-approval.
- March 21st – Ben Talks submission deadline for Ben Talk Prize consideration.
- Complete the Video Consent Form on Canvas
- Upload your Ben Talk to Canvas
- April 10th – Ben Talk submission deadline for degree completion.
- Complete the Video Consent Form on Canvas
- Upload your Ben Talk to Canvas
- May - Ben Talks Prize winner is announced.
Ben Talk of Ben Prize Finalist, Jacqueline Wu 24’